Elf programming example #2 |
Task: | recognise when we start and stop sleeping. Recognise when the tick elapses, automatically waking and standing up. If no key is pressed while sleeping, then an enter is sent to th mud every 5 seconds, to receive an updated prompt (so that tick recognition can take place). |
To achieve this task we need several things:
Let's define a numeric variable named @LastToTick. It will contain the number of seconds to the tick. When its value will raise, it will mean that a tick has been recognised and that we have to wake up.
Let's define a numeric variable named @LastIdle. It will contain the number of seconds since last keypress. It is used to avoid sending a lot of ENTERs.
The trigger to recognise when we fall asleep
is quite easy.
The trigger will be
*you fall asleep*
The commands related to this trigger are
the following:
They simply signal that we started sleeping and remember when we started sleeping.
The trigger that actually monitorise our
sleep has to work continuously.
Therefore, the trigger will be
We also need to set the flag enable re-checking on the same line to let the trigger be checked even if nothing arrives from the mud.
The commands related to this trigger are
the following:
@NLocal num
@Skip (@sleeping=0)*7
@Skip (@LastToTick<@num)*2
@Skip 4
In a few words: the estimated number of
seconds to the tick is stored in the variable @num
to avoid it from changing during subsequent tests.
If we are not sleeping, nothing else is
done. In fact, @sleeping=0 evaluates
to 1, thus executing @Skip 7. If the
number of seconds to the tick raised compared to the last time we examined
them, it means that a tick was rcognised. In such case, we wake, stand
up and signal that we are sleeping no longer.
On the other end, if we are still sleeping,
we call a user defined alias named SendEnters
that will simulate the ENTER key every 5 seconds that we don't press a
key on the keyboard.
The trigger to recognise if we manually
wake up is quite easy too.
The trigger will be
*you stand*
The commands related to this trigger are
the following:
It simply signals that we are no longer sleeping.
Now we must write the alias that actually sends ENTERs every 5 seconds if no key is pressed.
The alias will be activated by the pattern
the commands related to this alias are
the following:
@Skip (@OnLine=0)*99
@NLocal i
@Skip (@i=@LastIdle)*99
@If (@LastIdle#5)=4
@Send "#13"
The first line avoids sending ENTERs if
we are not on-line.
The following lines send an ENTER (ANSI
code 13) to the mud every 5 seconds while no key is pressed.
Please note the use of @LastIdle.
If it has the same value it had the last time the alias was executed, then
nothing else is done. This is necessary because elf is fast enough to force
the execution of the trigger calling this alias several times in a second.
Here is the necessary
programming for this task:
variable sleeping | |
type | numeric |
variable LastToTick | |
type | numeric |
variable LastIdle | |
type | numeric |
trigger Felt asleep | |
trigger | *you fall asleep* |
flags | none |
commands | @sleeping=1
@LastToTick=@ToTick+1 |
trigger Monitorise sleep | |
trigger | * |
flags | enable re-checking on the same line |
commands | @NLocal num
@num=@ToTick @Skip (@sleeping=0)*7 @Skip (@LastToTick<@num)*2 <SendEnters @Skip 4 wake stand @Beep @sleeping=0 @LastToTick=@num |
trigger Awaken! | |
trigger | *you stand* |
flags | none |
commands | @sleeping=0 |
alias Send enters | |
pattern | SendEnters |
flags | none |
commands | @Skip (@OnLine=0)*99
@NLocal i @i=@Idle @Skip (@i=@LastIdle)*99 @LastIdle=@i @If (@LastIdle#5)=4 @Send "#13" |
pages were developed with Netscape Composer
4.03 by Alfredo Milani-Comparetti
Last modified on 8 nov 1997 |