Elf programming example #3

make a lifting to "[Elfred] tells you 'abcd efg'"

Task: completely restructure the appearance of a message received from the mud. Custom colors and (optionally) phrase design are used. You can even use such triggers to nationalise the messages (for example: an italian mud could appear as an english one).
View the source code directly.

This task is very easy, yet powerful, for ELF.

We simply need a trigger to recognise the message we want to remap/highlight.
In this case the trigger will be
[*] tells you '*'

We also need to set the flags check complete lines, remove original line and last trigger to check if activated to avoid testing an incomplete line, to completely override default line printing and to stop trigger checking (since this is the only action we want to do with such a line).

Please note that this trigger can be used with the strip PROMPT and fully paint it example in order to have a cleaner and clearer output from the mud.
All you need to do is placing this trigger after the one that strips the prompt and before the one that writes the rest of the line.
By writing other such triggers you may completely redefine the appearance of what you receive from the mud, both as to sequence of characters used and to colors.
There are several advantages in doing so:

  1. you can view colors even if your mud sends none
  2. you can disable ANSI colors from your mud, thus greatly reducing the number of bytes sent over the network (from some statistics I've made, I discovered that ANSI color sequences can represent up to 60-70% of the bytes received!)
  3. you can shorten, highlight, hide and much more on every message
The commands related to this trigger are the following:
@OutStr @FGYellow+"["+@FGGreen+@ParmS(1a)+@FGYellow+"] tells you '"+@ParmS(2a)+"'"

The functions starting with @FG set the foreground color according to what comes next. @ParmS returns a string containing one of the variable parts in the trigger definition. For example: @ParmS(2a) returns all (the a between the parenthesis) the second paramenter as a string.

Thus, this trigger outputs what Elfred tells you, writing in yellow everything but the name of Elfred itself that is shown in green.

Here is the necessary programming for this task:
trigger Highlight TELLS YOU
trigger [*] tells you '*'
flags check complete lines, remove original line, last trigger to check if activated
commands @OutStr @FGYellow+"["+@FGGreen+@ParmS(1a)+@FGYellow+"] tells you '"+@ParmS(2a)+"'"

These pages were developed with Netscape Composer 4.03 by Alfredo Milani-Comparetti  
Last modified on 8 nov 1997